From INPRO we move to the border country to offer our training service to the Association of Installers of Andorra
ADELCA L’Associació d’Empreses d’Electricitat, Lampisteria, i Climatització d’Andorra (The Association of Electricity, Plumbing, and Air Conditioning Companies of Andorra) currently brings together about thirty professionals and companies in the sector. ADELCA is responsible for the representation, defense and management of the rights and legitimate interests of serious associations to contribute to the improvement of the sector. It intervenes in the training and professional preparation, creating and using the media to achieve the objectives. As well as, it participates in the collaboration or negotiation that arises with the groups of workers or authorities, and carrying out other tasks that serve the statutory purposes.
In Andorra it is mandatory that all installers, electricians and professionals of air conditioning installations have a regulated card, specifically they must have a hydrocarbon card.
Personalized customer training service
In Inpro, four years ago we started this training in the Andorran Association to inform about our equipment and help members to get the regulated card. This session was given by our colleague and Commercial Director, Luis Sutil who traveled to the town of La Massana, in Andorra, for a week to prepare and train ADELCA students on the compulsory subject, our products and equipment.
Luis Sutil taught several classes on hydrocarbons, where he explained everything related to transfer equipment and the equipment involved in a hydrocarbon installation, for boilers and generators. We also do an internship with them, about the installation and repair of one of our equipment.

For more information about our products you can contact us through the following mail: or by clicking here: