Inpro Cloud

Inpro Cloud IoT platform for remote monitoring of tanks 

Inpro Cloud IoT platform for remote monitoring of tanks with sensors for measure and level control of fluids. A solution for the remote management and monitoring of device and sensor networks.

Access to the Inpro Cloud platform:

The Inpro Cloud platform is accessible from the web using any device with access to a web browser. To access it we just need to go to the following url address in our browser: and once we have accessed the platform, it will ask us to authenticate us with username and password.


  • SaaS (software as a service) service mode.
  • Multilanguage platform: Spanish, English, German, French and German.
  • Multi-device access from any device: PC, Tablet, Smartphone.
  • Multi-user: allows you to define resource distribution levels.
  • Device monitoring.
  • Data visualization.
  • Alerts and notification configuration.

Manage your connected tanks through our IoT platform

InproCloud is our own platform that digitises and connects unattended equipment for remote monitoring and critical signal management:
  • Early warnings
  • Event notification
  • Reports
  • Location of assets
We offer a complete solution for tank monitoring with the combination of software WebApp and connected sensors.
Read more about Inpro cloud

Advantages of remote monitoring with our IoT platform

Tankalert level monitoring products connected to Inpro Cloud: